Tuesday, June 30, 2009


Hello friends....Today is a great day! I have been working towards the goal of being ordained very intently for 25 months. I finished my academic obligations for ordination in April and then was scheduled to be ordained in June. I honestly was excited to be ordained but maybe felt more relieved to be done with all the homework and travelling to meet the requirements for ordination. Last night was my night....I was ordained at 7:30pm Mountain time on June 28th, 2009. Dr. Joann Lyon preached the message. It was definitely a holy occasion. I am so honored to be an ordained minister....to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ. Dr. Lyon went into depth to explain the significance of a verse of scripture that she used for her text. Very powerful.

John 12:32
And when I am lifted up from the earth, I will draw everyone to myself."(NLT)

It is not about the people. It is not about the church building. It is not about the cute messages or technology. It is the simple truth of Christ. To preach Jesus crucified on the rugged cross and that as He was lifted up on that cross, He would draw all people to Himself. It is my prayer that I live every day to the fullest and that with every opportunity I have, I can point people to the cross and that He indeed will draw all to Himself. Praise be to God that the story did not end with the cross. Jesus did indeed die on the cross, was taken down and buried but three days later, Jesus arose from the dead.......alive forevermore....Victorious over death, hell and the grave.

Last night, I entered into a fresh, lifelong, and renewed commitment to my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Lord.....Please make this fire burn hotter and more intense every day until my work is done. May I run faithfully and finish well. This same prayer is for all who read this as well. God bless you as you serve Christ and His church!


"Joyful one" said...

The Lord knows best...in His time. Continue to listen to Him and lead those on the path.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Milt! I know you don't hear it often enough but your message on Sunday was great~even my sister thought so (and she's a tough one to please!!!)

Have a blessed week!

Pastor Joy Ziegler said...

Congratulations, Milt! I am so happy for you! Now you can read a book cuz YOU want to and not cuz someone says you have to. Yay! It's very freeing, isn't it?! Blessings on your ministry, friend!!! May God continue to use you to reach many for the kingdom!